I’m so confused. I had 2 first response tests that are an extremely faint line yesterday and this morning, then took a digital clear blue that was negative, and then this test that is positive and taken right after the clear blue. And now I’m spotting????

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Digitals require a lot for HCG to pop positive than dye tests. Wait a couple of days and you’ll likely get your positive digital. Congratulations!!!!


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Digitals need higher hcg so you make gets false negatives if your still pretty early onSpotting can be normal as long as it’s brown or pink, never dark red or filling a pad an hourI spotted throughout this pregnancy so far starting at 4 weeks and it stopped at 7-8 weeks and I have only spotted once since then and I’m 10+3 nowI never spotted with my daughter Your cervix is more sensitive and has increased blood flow so you may spot