6 month old will not nap.

Hey ladies, my son will not nap. He

Will be 6 months next week. He woke up from his last nap over 5 hours ago, ive been trying to get him to nap for the last 2.5 hours and he will not. Ive tried everything and im at a loss. I got so frustrated that i needed to just put him down and walk away and take a breather because i could feel myself getting angry and didnt want to lash out on my son because i know its not his fault. I tried putting him down in his crib and he wont nap and i tried contact napping and all he was doing was pulling my hair. He fell asleep for like 5 minutes while i was feeding him but that is it. Ugh i feel so guilty for feeling the way i did. Any tips on getting him to sleep? He only had 2 naps today.