Nursery animals, anyone? What did you pick?

KK • #1 Jan ‘20 💙 #2 Jan ‘23 🌈💙

I always pick an animal for each of my children and I’ve selected a LION for my Jan 2023 baby! Does anyone else select an animal for their babes?

I usually have other items with the animal too like crib sheets, wall decor, and the pacifier with the animal on it. For my first, I bought his stuffed giraffe early on and it sat on my dresser for the whole pregnancy, which was really sweet.

I was pregnant in the fall and that one was a bunny. I never got around to purchasing it and then I ended up having a mmc. I’m trying to be positive for this one and I purchased the lion after hearing the heartbeat/8 week scan, just like my first.

Excited to hear your picks!