Hate my hospital . Downs mistake


L So I had my baby April 15. The doctors said she might have down syndrome simply because she had slanting eyes and small mouth. ( muscle tone was perfect, heart beat perfect, hands, feet all perfect, neck perfect and very alert and strong) We did a kareotyoe and she was negative for any abnormalities. I felt resentment for that hospital cause I had a c section, history of depression and they told me the first day I held my baby. I was depressed for 2 months until the results came back yesterday and she is perfect. They also kept giving her the bottle in the nursery cause she had jaundice which made her not to latch so I am exclusively pumping now. I vehemently told her not to bottle feed and call me anytime she needed to feed but everytime I went there they had already fed her. And they never called, I had to go by myself. I was so sad but I am glad she is perfect. I just hate that hospital so much I am never delivering there. One of the stupid nurses even told me to just bottle feed her with formula so my breast can keep staying perfect for hubby. Like what the FUCK!!! How can you say that to a mother who badly wanted to breast feeding and baby was finding it to latch??? Anyway picture of perfect Yalina AKA FATIMA below. P