Losing baby weight

Momma's!! I need advice on what you guys did to drop the baby weight. When I got pregnant I was 188. By the end of the pregnancy I was 218 and I've been 205 since I got home from the hospital I can't seem to drop anymore weight. Im EBF and i was always told breastfeeding makes you lose weight 🤷🏻‍♀️. So I'm trying to eat healthy and eat my breakfast lunch and dinner but I usually don't eat my first meal till 12 cause I choose to nap when lo takes his first nap of the day because I'm so exhausted from the night. I'm going to start working out now that I'm cleared. Did you guys track your food or meal plan. I cooked pretty healthy dinners and every night Its a home cooked meal especially since we're on one income we don't really go out to eat anymore. What are some good snacks you guys mightve eaten and apps you guys mightve used to track everything. I just want to lose the weight to get back to feeling better about myself