Help!!!! Need some relief @ 37wks

Currently 37wks & tried everything but castor oil to induce. Been drinking raspberry leaf tea & screwing like rabbits. Baby has been head down since wk 28 just not engaged. No Braxton hicks and hates sex lol. She literally squeezes to the middle of my stomach....sits there for hours afterwards and then goes back into position. She's even made the drop further down but developed a pillow at the lower part of my stomach that she places her head so she won't slide into my pelvis 🤣🤣🤣. I've been miserable these last few weeks & have no appetite at all...6 meals a day & still just nibbling. I need help with what to do next. I've literally just been sleeping (1-3hrs max) & working. I can't seem to get comfortable longer than that to sleep & I live alone so there is no one to help me with food options, etc. I know it'll be different once she's here but I'm anxious for her now just for a little comfort & relief!