Line help


Has anyone had line fluctuations on your tests and had everything turn out ok? I had my first positive test on June 5th at 12dpo (i know my dpo are correct bc I confirmed ovulation with temping). I had a chemical pregnancy in February where my lines were all over the place. They would be getting darker and then with fmu they would be lighter (I don’t not get up and pee in the middle of the night) then be darker and then lighter And continued that pattern until I miscarried a week after my positive making it a chemical pregnancy. When I got my positive on June 5 it was with fmu, Got a darker test that night, the next day my test for about the same and then the following day my fmu test was lighter. I figured it was going to be another chemical. I kept testing and my lines would be dark and then lighter in the mornings which seems to be the pattern, darker test in the evening lighter with fmu, again I do not get up and Pee in the middle the night. I finally called my doctor because I’m worried about ectopic and we are supposed be leaving for vacation on Sunday. I’m going to get blood work today and of course I will have a repeat draw on Wednesday but I’m wondering if anyone was in a similar case and had everything be OK. I’m already prepared for the worst fully thinking that there are something wrong because I never had this issue with any of my viable pregnancies. I’m attaching a picture of the past couple day tests so you can see what I’m talking about regarding my lines. The one not marked on the second picture and the second one I took this morning at 9am which is very similar to last nights but yet I have the lighter one with this mornings fmu.