Sleep deprived mama needing help

So my daughter is 16 months old I know almost 1 1/2..

I bedshared with her from the day she came home from the hospital until she was 6 months old cause my husband didn’t want her in our bed anymore, she then slept in her bed from 6m-13months and my husband got deployed so we moved home with family and we’re currently sharing a room.. I started bed sharing again cause she could tell her daddy wasn’t hwre and the changes was a lot for her.. but now she is a total bed hog and I want her back in her own bed.. but she won’t sleep unless she’s touching me

But she also still drinks a bottle to bed and wakes up once or twice a night for that bottle...

Soo my question is,

How do I get her back in her own bed sleeping through the night without her bottle??

( we’ve tried a body pillow with my shirt and everything and she refused)