Dates vs LMP


Hey yall. So I had my first scan and I am so confused. I have been actively tracking my pregnancy and ovulation days prior to getting pregnant. At my scan yesterday, they estimated 6.6 weeks from LMP. According to my app based on LMP I was 7.1 weeks. Based on my predicted ovulation date/fertilization, I feel like 5 weeks sounds about right. The sac measured 3mm consistent with 5 weeks.

LMP was 5/3, but my cycles are more like 30-32 days. I know exactly when we had sex during my fertile period (may 15, 17, and 18) and my projected ovulation day was 5/19. Taking into consideration the 5 days sperm can hang around, the latest could be 5/23. Which I feel like aligns with where I am. The doctor basically told me to expect to miscarry and I’ve been freaking out ever since. Can anyone give me some insight? Has this happened to anyone before?