chicken pox on her birthday

Susan • Peyton Louise Jones was born 16th June 2016...Kalen Jones 22nd may 2020

So peyton woke up her birthday morning so excited, she ran downstairs, opened her toys etc.

went to get ready for school and said she felt itchy, I told her to take her dress off, thinking she must he irritated with the fabric conditioner or maybe something left on the dress as it was new.

spots, spots everywhere on her back and stomach!!!

she was devestated, she was excited to go to school as the class sings happy birthday to the persons who's birthday it is.

so her birthday party was cancelled, but we kept the bouncy castle as she wasn't ill and enjoyed it with her brother....its been 11 days now and he doesn't seem to have caught it.

of all the times to get it....

edit, today my son has woke up with chicken pox, at least its out the way