

FTM here and im clueless. My LB is 12 weeks old - Do you think my baby could be teething? I've noticed he's started drooling a few weeks back however its a lot more now (Or he'll be blowing bubbles😂)! He's constabtly eating his hands more (even after being fed - he's not wanting anymore as we've offered), although he will take a dummy so not sure if he's sucking for comfort, and if you give him your finger he'll bite down pretty hard. He's also more fussy at the moment and nothing really seems to help. The last few days he's slept a lot more (up to 14hours a day which is unlike him!) Yet yesterdsy he barely slept at all (only slept 10 hours in 24hours)

Hes also got slight temp Yesterday.

Photo of his top gums attached. I can't see anything on his lower gums though (and i was always under the impression babies got their bottom teeth first🤷🏼‍♀)

Edit to add* I'm using a thermometer in the photo to lift his gum