Can someone help?


So I’m not sure when I ovulated. I had a lighter bleed during my period (6/27-6/29)But everything about my period was off. Normally I’m super cranky and irritated and this time was weepy and I would start bawling for no reason at all. I would have headaches and nausea. I craved sweets and was always tired. Because I’ve been feeling off I took FRER and they all had a faint line. Took a Clear Blue red dye test yesterday with FMU and saw something so I Took a clear blue digital yesterday and it was negative. Took this morning I took this and it’s the third type of test I’ve taken. In person you can see another line starting to form but it’s not all there. According to my apps I ovulate in like 6ish days. Can anyone explain as to why 3 different tests give off a faint line?