Thoughts please


Hi!! So for the past almost 2 weeks I’ve been having symptoms. I’m irregular so I don’t know when my period is suppose to start if it did. I have 2 kiddos and the same happened with them, I had symptoms so I tested and sure enough.

This time around I also have symptoms including nausea and headache along with food aversions. I tested yesterday with first morning urine using a clear blue digital and a first response. The digital said “Pregnant” so of course I was like “I knew it!” But the first response was negative -_- . I dipped them both into the same cup of morning urine at the same time, so it was odd I got different results. So now today I took more to confirm and digital said “not pregnant” and the other one only had an immediate very faint line. But hardly. I took those the same way this morning with first urine dipped them both into same cup.

This photo is from yesterday

This one was today. In person the other test had a visible faint line that showed right away but not visible on photo.

What would your thoughts be. The first digital was probably a dud? :/