I just need a space to vent, and to figure out if I'm being an a-hole or not. Sorry if it's a little long.

My fiancee and I are expecting a boy. I've already had to deal with disappointment because I really wanted another girl. I've mostly gotten over it, but name issues keep popping up, and it's just making me hate this pregnancy.

When we were pregnant with our first, we chose Oliver Michael as our boy name. This time around, my fiancee really wanted me to consider the name Leon (it was his father's middle name). I ABSOLUTELY hate the name, and made my feelings about it clear. He begged me to consider it as a middle name. I agreed, and have gotten to a point where I am willing to use it for his sake. When I told him we could use it as a middle name, he began pressuring me to use it as a first name, even though I've said absolutely not. I understand it's important to him, but I will not compromise past using it as a middle name.

I've already axed a few names I really liked, simply because he didn't like them. I don't understand why he can't give me the same consideration.

Am I being unreasonable? I feel like I'm already making a big concession being willing to use it as a middle name.