Dip Test Negative - Digital Test Positive - Please Help

Natasha • PNW🌲| 29✨| MA💍| Mom💕

Hi There,

My husband and I have been trying for our second for two years. I’m 11 DPO and I tested yesterday and saw a faint positive on a easy@home dip test so I picked up a digital one(clear blue) and it said pregnant. I’m over the moon. So I tested again on a easy@home dip test again to see how much darker the line would be and it’s very clearly negative. So I panicked and got another digital one(first response) and it yes “yes+”. I’m getting very mixed signals and wondering should I panic or celebrate? Has this happened to anyone?

Ironically this was our last chance to conceive naturally next cycle I was to start <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a>. So I’m hoping this miracle babe is sticking!

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Have you tested again? Wishing you all the best! Stay positive and trust that your body is doing what it needs to do and all in perfect timing! I’ve been free balling since November and not getting pregnant. My son is 2, my husband wants a girl and I was concerned. I stopped nursing in March because I thought that might be preventing things. Had my sex hormones tested and they were all low! I switched up my diet, took some Supplements, and worked on my stress relief. Now yesterday my cycle was due but I only had 3 spots all day and my uterus feels heavy… fingers crossed


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Hmm I’d trust the digitals, personally. Is it possible the easy@home tests are expired? Or were they exposed to extreme temps or anything? Getting two positive digitals is a very good sign! I completely understand the anxiety though. I’d probably grab another couple of tests, all different brands, just because I’m neurotic like that. Best of luck and please update! 💕