Dip Test Negative - Digital Test Positive - Please Help

Natasha • PNW🌲| 29✨| MA💍| Mom💕

Hi There,

My husband and I have been trying for our second for two years. I’m 11 DPO and I tested yesterday and saw a faint positive on a easy@home dip test so I picked up a digital one(clear blue) and it said pregnant. I’m over the moon. So I tested again on a easy@home dip test again to see how much darker the line would be and it’s very clearly negative. So I panicked and got another digital one(first response) and it yes “yes+”. I’m getting very mixed signals and wondering should I panic or celebrate? Has this happened to anyone?

Ironically this was our last chance to conceive naturally next cycle I was to start <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">fertility treatment</a>. So I’m hoping this miracle babe is sticking!