Sneak peak… we’re your results accurate??

Samantha • Double Rainbow baby born 🌈 Dec 2018

I keep seeing ads for sneak peak gender test, have you tried it were your results accurate? I saw they recently changed how early you can test also, im mostly curious if it’s accurate as early into pregnancy as they claim.

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Tested at home at 7 weeks and recieved an inconclusive. Retested with the free one they sent me and got a boy result. 4 weeks later, NIPT told us it's actually a baby girl. I was very careful about cleaning and decontaminating but at the same time I have 6 males in my house (husband, 3 boys under 6, a cat, and a dog) so male DNA is just free floating everywhere in my house and I knew there was a high chance from the start that it was contaminated.


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Tested at 8.5 weeks for girl and correct. They have a new mechanism too- it sticks to your arm and you press a button - I heard it’s more accurate than the original test mechanism.


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I tested (at home) at seven weeks and got an accurate boy result.


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Got an accurate girl result at 7 weeks


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Accurate boy result


M • Jul 16, 2022
I will do it again next pregnancy as well


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They are absolutely (99.9%) accurate IF you get the blood one done in office. The at home ones are iffy, easily contaminated and have loads of mixed reviews. We got the blood one done twice and they were right both times.