Feeling so helpless while pregnant

My husband is currently “nesting”. Last week he took on the project of redoing our entire kitchen, dinning room, and living room. That means painting, trim work, flooring, doors, cabinets, etc. it’s been a huge undertaking and is going slower than he had originally planned. This also means we have no stove, no counter tops, no sink, no dishwasher. I feel so helpless. I can’t even prepare food for the family!!

We have a grill but I have never grilled before 😩 so after putting in hours of hard labor he is stopping to grill dinner for everyone. UGH!!

Well then I wanted to step up and help with the pool, shocking it, vacuuming it, refilling it, patching leaks, etc. He doesn’t want me messing with the chemicals (understandable) and is only comfortable with me vacuuming and refilling it.

Then I want to help with the yard work. He doesn’t want me to because it’s too hot out.

We have a hornets nest I wanted to spray down today. He wanted to take on the task because not only does it involve a chemical spray, but I can’t really run at the moment with how big I am 😅

It’s all very sweet of it!! I appreciate him looking out for my safety and the baby’s safety… but man do I feel helpless. I can tell this job is weighing on him. He is short tempered and irritable. It

Just sucks that I literally can’t do anything to help.

(I am picking us up meals, but it’s hitting our account hard so I try not to do that for every meal)