Hospital won’t listen to me


Long story!!

So my first ultrasound was February 22nd and I was 6 weeks 6 days. My first antenatal appointment I was 20 weeks and they tried telling me I was 2 weeks ahead. My second ultrasound was a week after which was my morphology scan. I asked her if the dates right from the ultrasounds or if the hospital is right, she said definitely the ones from the ultrasounds and to go by this date. I told the hospital at my next appointment and they said no, that I’m 2 weeks ahead going from my first ultrasound.

My GP and ultrasounds both say the same dates. We even calculated back from February 22nd that I should be 28 weeks in 2 days, but the hospital keeps insisting that I’m 2 weeks more…

I done my first growth ultrasound yesterday and the ultrasound says I’m 28 weeks 1 day. They say he’s measuring 1.2kgs which is like 2.6lbs. They said I’m 30 weeks 2 days, but baby is measuring smaller than he should be. So they immediately called the Dr and I had to go to birthing suite to do fetal monitoring. His heartbeat and everything was good, they were all happy with it. They drew some blood to see if I have any infections due to his size being small. Sent me home and want to see me in a couple days.

I done some research aswell as asking family friends who are ob/gyn’s, nurses and AIN’s. They all said baby is measuring the right amount for what gestation he ACTUALLY is. Some babies take time to grow more and that the ultrasound isn’t as accurate for what they weigh.

Everytime I tell the hospital that I’m not 2 weeks ahead, they don’t listen. They’ve had me a bit in a stress mode since yesterday because they keep saying I’m ahead and that baby’s measuring small.

I don’t know what else I can do 😩🤦‍♀️