

I just heard on the news that yet another child has died in the state of Arizona due to drowning. This is the 3rd reported this month. Child drownings have gone up 100% since 2021. One child who drowned was suppose to be napping,the other two were brothers and it's still unclear of the exact circumstances. Neither of these incidences were the pools fenced off. This is happening time and time again,no fences and I'm guessing a lack of supervision. At what point should the state start prosecuting the parents or whoever was in charge of supervision? Should the state even press charges?

I'm torn on this and would like to hear what yall think. I feel that the parents have just experienced the worst consequences for their part in this and nothing should be done but then again I feel that you shouldn't own a pool if you're not going to take the necessary precautions.Therefore you should be charged,fined,maybe do some time in jail. I know that sounds so harsh but something needs to be done...