Breast milk…am I an under-producer?


My son is about to be 8 months old. And instead of breastfeeding every 3-4 hours like most people say babies do at this age, he feeds every 1 1/2-2/12 hours. He only feeds for max 5 minutes on each side and even though I’ve tried to have him feed longer, he won’t. Not only that, but he still wakes up at least 3 times a night, and usually I feed him twice. But this past month I’ve been trying to wean by only feeding him on once side each time he wakes at night. AND he is now getting three meals a day, which his pediatrician said to try. Nothing is working and I am exhausted. I am now working full time from home and just don’t have time to keep breastfeeding like this. Has anyone else been through something similar or have any thoughts? Thanks.