Hard time Coping


Hi ladies. I am having a hard time coping with my loss, and it feels therapeutic to write it out. I found out at 11 weeks that baby stopped growing at 8 weeks. I am almost one week post D&C and I feel more sad and cry more now than I did when it was all happening. Maybe it’s just all hitting me now but this is so damn hard. Yesterday I ran into an old friend I hadn’t seen in 9 years. I was having a good day, emotionally, and we were just catching up. She mentioned that she was pregnant with her third baby, but it was still really early, so I would have had no idea. She told me when she was due, and she’s due the same month I was supposed to be due. That crushed me and I cried the whole way home and I cried to my husband and I cried as went to sleep. And I’m still so sad today. Of course I am happy for her, but why after not seeing her for 9 years, did that have to be the interaction?? It feels so unfair, almost cruel. This is my second loss, almost a year apart from each other. I’m starting to feel like I just can’t carry a baby, after trying over a year and a half, and losing two. This sucks so bad.