Belly pain 17wks

Hey ladies, FTM here. 17 weeks.

I’ve been having weird feelings in my lower belly on both sides, mostly by my belly button. Im not sure how to describe the feeling, it isn’t a cramp and isn’t really painful but it’s a weird feeling that I think maybe hurts but maybe I’m just caught off guard because it’s a new feeling. I don’t think it is round ligament pain because I’ve had that and it doesn’t feel like this. The feeling doesn’t last long, strikes fast and disappears just as quickly which is similar to round ligament. Maybe it is that but just a different feeling?

I’m chalking it up to my uterus growing and potentially baby movements/baby growing, but it isn’t flutters or bubbles like people have described baby to feel like. I have no cramping or bleeding or real pain at all either.

Any ideas ?