Baby not gaining. Advice please


My baby was born July 10th. He’s three weeks old. He lost weight after birth and by his two week appointment was still significantly under. He only gained 2oz back in two weeks opposed to 1oz/day. He was still 9oz under his birthweight. We then had a three week appointment to follow up and he only gained 2.5oz in one week. Still 6oz under birthweight.

His latch seems great, he has no lip or tongue tie. He seems to be making wet and dirty diapers enough, more often just pee than poo though. He is sort of sleepy/lazy at the breast and it’s sometimes hard to wake him up/keep him awake and nursing. Some days he’s awake and nursing all day. Some days it seems like he’s extra sleepy and uninterested.

I’m not really sure what I’m asking here. Maybe does anyone have similar stories, experiences or advice? I’m wondering if because I have such trouble keeping him awake and interested my supply is starting to dip?

I should also add I successfully breastfed my last baby for a year and half with no issues so While I’m struggling now, I’m not a total breastfeeding novice by far.