Red bumps! SOS


I just woke up and went to the bathroom and realized I have these bumps ALL OVER! My hips, and my butt! Not really anywhere else. Not on my upper back or legs or arms. What could this be 😩

My local med express doesn’t open until 8am. And my daughter has therapy at 10am I have to leave here at 930 for. So I might have to wait until after her therapy session to go anywhere! 😭

& no. It’s not bed bug bites. My husband is perfectly fine and we haven’t slept anywhere other than our bed & we are clean people.

Yesterday I noticed a red bump on my right arm just ONE and noticed it was sore to press on.. I thought maybe an ingrown hair or a pimple or something! Now this morning I have ONE on my right leg ONE on my right arm. But mainly ALL over the front hips and butt! 😩😩