9 weeks measuring only 6 weeks


So last Wednesday I had my first sono (8weeks). The gestational sac was measuring 8weeks and based on my menstrual dates I should be 8 weeks. However, the fetus was only measuring 5-6 weeks (0.3inch) and had no heartbeat. Everything else looked good though. My Dr did say I might have PCOS which means I have irregular periods, which I guess, looking back to when I had them (when I was off mirena and not pregnant) is true. I am just hoping my dates are off and everything is fine, especially since my youngest measured small too. But every little symptom I am googling to see if it’s a possible miscarriage.

Update: I went in again yesterday, baby grew from 0.3inch to 0.4inchs… not a lot. Baby did have a heartbeat this time and it was visible as a flicker on the sono but it was only 76bpm. The Dr said my yolk sac was enlarged which is not a good sign for some reason idk, I don’t the yolk sac disappears so it increasing isn’t good. Once again I go in in a week. I’m just emotionally drained from these results that can be either good or bad. There’s progress, but not a lot and maybe not enough. I just want more definitive answers so I can start to process and heal.

Anyone else experienced this?