This one feels so different (long post, jus me venting i guess)


I'm 4wks6days today. I found out on Sunday 7/31, 1 day late. Well the 2 weeks before i found out i had been having so much nausea and migraines. But as soon as i took that test its like i feel nothing anymore. I still get some nausea but not like i was. And I've been spotting on and off since 8/1 and i did have some pretty mild cramps on Wednesday 8/3. Yesterday i went to work and was put on light duty until HR gets back to me and see if i should jus take some time off. Today i missed work to lay in bed all day 🤷‍♀️ idk i jus felt i needed rest. I jus feel so weird that i have no symptoms really cuz with all my previous ones i get symptoms right away, well at least my boobs are the first to let me kno somethings up lol. This time they've been keepin to themselves. Its like my minds playin tricks on me 😭😭 i pray and pray and pray this lil babe sticks 🙏✨️ i had 3 different dreams in those 2 weeks and all 3 were of me taking tests and all were positive, one apparently was saying its a girl but obviously there's no home pregnancy test that tells u that lol. I still didn't think to actually test tho cuz when i woke up from the dream the 1st time, i of course googled it lol and most said it had nothing to do with actually being pregnant. So i left it at that. The day before my period was supposed to start i had the last pregnancy dream and it was of an EX bestie and she told me congratulations, we ended badly so I was upset she was even in my dream and that she knew.. so the next day i was expecting AF. She didn't show. Went to Walmart the next day cuz idk i figured maybe I'm jus stressing and that's causing me to be late, so i still never actually thought I'd be pregnant. I took the test around 2-3pm. And that line popped up like AF usually does 🤣 then the 2nd line.. i was shook! Not gonna lie idk why i was so surprised, i mean the 2 weeks prior i had that nausea at work and even one of my coworkers was like ha, ur prolly pregnant. I was like nah no way, when there obviously was possibilities since we don't use protection and i actually ovulated on his bday.. according to the app thats when i conceived 💖🥰💖 idk what how to even feel right now, my head is everywhere. I wanna be so excited but as soon as i started spotting its like here comes the doubts and my mind goes crazy thinking of my past MC. I jus wanna have a healthy baby for once 🙏🙏🙏 keep me n ur prayers! Any positive words would help 💖 ** also if babe is a girl, we have Jolene Amber picked for her name 💕🌈💖, no names for baby boy yet 😩 that's a tough one for us lol