My traumatic second birth


So I just wanted to share my story but keep in mind while my birth was traumatic it’s rare. I’d always believed birth is a natural and beautiful thing, birthing my first born naturally and with no epidural at a birthing center, I was excited for my second go around since it’s supposedly just muscle memory and I already felt what pain and labor felt like so I was confident going into this one, remembering my mistakes and correcting them prior.

Contractions started after 10 pm on Saturday, august 6th and I decided to go to sleep. At 2:30 I couldn’t sleep thru them anymore. By 7am we headed up to the birthing center and I was already at 7cm. She checked me in and I began progressing more and more. I finally got to pushing around 9am at a full 10cm. Baby was coming down perfectly….until he wasn’t. They decided to break my waters and that’s when birth got intense. They found meconium in my waters that seemed fresh and began a timer. They did not share with me why that timer was started and reassured me that baby was fine and I just needed to keep on. They did share that he pooped but not to worry I was progressing and he was coming down perfectly again. Then he turned as he got to my pubic bone. Ouch. He was sunny side up and stuck at this point. They put me in different positions trying to turn him but he wouldn’t budge. After two more hours of trying and me feeling him stuck while they tried to open my canal more, they called it and had me transferred to a hospital nearby. The ride was AWFUL! I was having back to back contractions that I couldn’t push on even though that’s what my instincts wanted to do! It hurt so bad. As soon as we got there they put me in a wheel chair and took me in to get an emergency c-section. 20 minutes later, I finally got to meet my boy! What a ride! What a rollercoaster! I didn’t get my ideal second birth but I’m so happy it resulted in a healthy boy! His umbilical cord was wrapped around his leg that kept pulling him back and he was crooked in my canal so his nose was at a weird angle. They had to kind of tug him out of my canal when they did the C-section.

Weighing 8lbs and 1oz, 21.5 inches, Xandros Joaquin was born on 8/7/2022!