Early period, Chemical, or Implantation?

Sarah • Momma to our precious baby girl Emma Rose 🌹 born into heaven on 2/10/19👼🏻 “No footprint is too small that it cannot leave an imprint on this world” 👣 And the sweetest little boy in the world, Andrew Brian born on 6/16/2020😍💙 Angel baby 9/14/22 TTC 🌈 #2 💕

So I’ve been super emotional on top of slightly worse depression the past few days even though I’ve been taking my meds every night. Today I started some mild cramping and about an hour ago I noticed some medium pink spotting/bleeding when I wiped. I’ve always had irregular periods but typically my cycles are suupperrr long. NEVER early. That being said, the app predicts I’ll start my next period in a week, based on a normal cycle.

1. My first concern was a chemical pregnancy. I’ve never had one that I know of, but we have had a hard time getting pregnant both pregnancies, one of which did not go full term. I haven’t gotten a positive test yet as it’s only 1 week past ovulation. But I wasn’t sure if it was possible to have a chemical this early?

2. Could this be implantation bleeding? Has anyone had cramping and a medium amount of dark pink spotting with implantation before? Is it too late for implantation?

3. Is my period just reallyyyy early for the first time and I’m over thinking this??

Sorry for the book, but thank you if you took the time to read! 💜