Almost 35weeks


So I was under the impression I knew what braxton hicks contractions felt like - ive had the belly tightening and mild cramping. Today i was super active up until about 4pm, since then ive been hanging out on the couch. An hour ago (about 9:30-10pm) I got super nauseated then went into the tightening which has lasted more than 2 minutes- like 5-10minutes and has been followed by ongoing back cramps and period like cramping. I looked it up and the tightening shouldn’t last more than 2 minutes. Im confused on if they are braxton hicks or something else and i dont even know how to time them because everything has been ongoing … im not in any pain just uncomfortable…. ill add a little tmi- theres no way im constipated as ive had slight diarrhea all day also i have been feeling like im constantly leaking today- I think its urine though. I just have no idea what’s happening to me lol im definitely going to mention it to my doctor tomorrow but can anyone tell me what’s going on?? I dont want to panic over nothing but im just concerned because its been about an hour of all of this!