Just Ready to Meet Her

Samantha • Mama to Leona Mae 08/12/19 and Gemma Lee 08/26/22 💜 Baby #3 due 08/20/24

Spent all day yesterday in the labor and delivery ER. Was having some concerning symptoms that seemed pre-eclampsia-ish…messaged my Dr and they told me to head in for monitoring. Everything checked out and they sent me home. Good news is we were able to see that I am having lots and lots of contractions, they didn’t have any real rhyme or reason yesterday but the nurse said hey they’re happening that’s better than not!

Today, I’m at work for the first day of the school year! 16 days until my due date, hopefully it’s sooner. Im not even like “over” being pregnant. I feel great and am still moving around just fine - I just really want my baby in my arms. Im so ready!