Baby sleeping in crib

First of all I blame myself, don't worry I'm already aware I'm an idiot. Our daughter is 9 months and since she was 5.5 months she's slept in her own crib in her own room and we never had any problems. Now, I had 2 family members pass away within a week of eachother in late June and it hit me really hard. My husband works late shifts so when it's bed time it's just me and baby. Evenings are when the emotions get me the most because there are less distractions. When it First happened I just needed to cuddle my daughter in the evenings while I felt my feelings, this turned into me lying on our bed with her next to me (she's not much of a cuddler 🤣) and she'd fall asleep there as i just rubbed her head or spoke to her and I'd then transfer her to her crib once she was asleep. She's so peaceful when she's snoozy it's just what I needed. Anyways, my mourning period went on until the beginning of this month and that was just my favourite part of the day so we just kept doing it until then. Problem is, I'm now trying to put her to bed in her crib like I used to to fall asleep but now she just crawls around (she couldn't crawl before all this happened) and starts to play around even though she is so tired. I'm not sure what to do now as I feel I've forgotten all of my sleep time parenting! Does anyone have any tips? I feel silly because I was just being selfish by having her fall asleep in the bed with me and now I've thrown her all off!