Multiple sclerosis questions ? Helppp

Okay so I’m pretty sure I have Ms. I had one MRI of my brain and spine that showed lesions and white spots they said was indication of ms. Also the reason they did these mris is bc my feet have been numb, I’m extremely tired and dizzy.

So I’m waiting on my appt w neurologist in a week or two and I’m wondering what they will do at the first appt? Any advice or experiences you could tell me about.

I appreciate anything.

I’m scared and nervous and in shock still. I’m only in my 20’s and it feels like everything just changed.

I also have small babies. I cry everytime i think about it.

Did u have to get another mri but this time WITH contrast? Lumbar puncture ?? Blood tests ? I just wound of want to be prepared for what’s coming if I can. I have such bad anxiety that it’s making me more stressed having to wait.

Also , if you do have MS - is it medication daily or iv medication every few months? Or does it just vary ?