subchorionic Hematoma


Hi! I just had my 8 week ultrasound and my doctor found a subchorionic Hematoma. I can’t remember exact the measurement but I want to say 1.7 cm. He said it’s small and should resolve itself. I haven’t had any bleeding but I am stressed out after googling (big mistake, I know 🤦🏼‍♀️) my doctor didn’t give me any rules such as pelvic rest or no lifting heavy objects but that’s all I can find on google. I have a 14 month old who isn’t mobile yet so I have to carry her around and she’s 27 pounds. We are also going to Disneyland in 4 weeks which is a lot of walking. 😬 I’m just so stressed out and worried!! Should I reach out to my doctor for more clear guidelines? Any mamas in a similar boat and have some advice?