Has anyone been following the Parkland School Shooting trial? How are you feeling?


I have been watching clips from the trial and it’s quite overwhelming. I’m wondering, how are you dealing with having empathy for both sides? I know that’s a controversial thought, as nothing excuses his devastating and horrendous actions, but listening to Cruz’s sister’s testimony is heart wrenching.

People claim if a relative of theirs, even their own child, ever did anything like what he did, they would disown them. I think it’s so much more complex than that. Listening to Danielle, his sister, say she loves her brothers is just sad. Not because she loves them, but because of all she went through as a child and how she wanted to be with her brother. I don’t know. I’m having a tough time. She’s been convicted of 16 or so felonies. She’s had a tough life and has made poor choices herself, but she is so articulate and the way she speaks is so moving. It’s heartbreaking to think of the potential she had/has, and how her childhood derailed her future.

What have been your thoughts and feelings during the trial? I have to take a lot of breaks, because it’s very emotional. I’ve spent so many nights crying while listening to the families of the victims, and the surviving students. But I think it’s important to watch.