Could I be feeling movement?


Hey all! So I’m posting because I’m a first time mom and don’t know what I’m waiting to feel. I’m currently 15.5 weeks along and was told by my OB at 12 weeks that my placenta was anterior. I know it can move as the uterus grows. Anyways, a couple of days ago and then about a week ago I had what I swear was some movement in there. Now I know this little man is a karate master inside of me because I can hear it on my Doppler. However, I know what my gas bubbles have felt like and these are just different. They’re very distinct but I don’t know how to describe the feeling. I have only felt it like 2-3 times within the last two-ish weeks. My sister who has had two kids said it’s definitely possible. I’m also a very petite person (5’5” 112lb pre pregnancy) so I know you can feel movements a little earlier.

So I guess my question is is it possible that this is baby? Thanks in advance! ❤️