Tate is here! 39 weeks + 2 days


i’m writing this while it’s all still super fresh in my brain!

i came in at 7 pm and 2 cm dilated last night. i was having regular braxton hicks 3 minutes apart, so they gave me pitocin instead of cervidil as planned. the contractions worsened through the night, but Tate’s heart rate started to drop with each contraction. they stopped pitocin until the doctor arrived.

when he got there he checked me and said i’m still only 2cm dilated, BUT he can break my water and give me pitocin if i wanted. i agreed. he broke my water at about 12 pm and started pitocin. the contractions hit HARD. it was weird because the contractions were mostly in my butthole 😂 i felt like he was going to pop outta my ass. i was trying to wait to get the epidural so that the contraction pain outweighed the epidural pain but i only made it an hour and got the epidural at 1 pm lol.

they told me to nap, so i got settled at 1:30 and started to close my eyes. the doctor came back 30 minutes later and said he wanted to make sure baby’s head was flush against my cervix with no water pockets. so he checked me and he was like “oh uhhh, that was fast. are you ready to push?! you’re 10 cm and the baby’s head is right there”

i was like WHAT! how’d i go from 2 cm to 10 cm within like 1.5 hours 😅

i started pushing at 2:13 pm and he came out in 7 minutes, at 2:20 pm 🥰 7.3 pounds and 21 inches! and a full head of hairs !