Feeling overwhelmed


Hi all.

My partner and I have been ttc for a year and a bit now… we just went for his semen analysis and got some pretty terrible news. Very low count, motility, everything. Our dr wants us to do another test in a month and go in and see him after the results from that come back …I’m so confused as to what this means for us and scared that we will be out of options, and on top of that we have to wait a whole month for answers I feel like I’m going to die of worry. Has anyone been through the same thing that could help me out with some information or just simply someone to talk to? I completely understand that my partner doesn’t want me to talk about it with people, and I want to respect his privacy, but it is so hard being alone with this information 😭😭 any info or stories of success would really help me right now 🙏🏼