3rd baby, 2nd homebirth


My pregnancy was a little chaotic. I didn’t feel movement until 16 weeks, and found out the placenta was anterior. I was sick most of my pregnancy. My iron dropped so low I almost couldn’t birth at home. Baby was head down from week 34-38. Then at some point went Breech. Where I live It isn’t legal for a midwife to attend a Breech homebirth. Then boom at week 39 baby flipped back.

My first was born in a hospital, 5 hours of intense labor.

My second was born at home in an hour and a half of extremely intense labor.

This time was so different. 5 hours of labor. But contractions were not intense. 5/6 mins apart. Only 30 seconds long. My mom, sister, husband, two older boys, midwife and student midwife just hung out at my house. It was so calm. Then at some point everyone came in. Sat down. I had one very intense long contraction and her head came out with a nuchal hand. Then her body instantly after. Her cord was very short (which may be why she flipped). We didn’t find out what we were having but my whole pregnancy I was 99% sure It was a 3rd boy. I was utterly bewildered when I saw she was a girl, but now I cannot even imagine a 3rd boy. We got into the birthing pool to clean off. Then I took a quick shower. We got in bed. My oldest cut her cord. And we all went to sleep. It really was the most beautiful experience.

Saorlaith Evren 8.20.22