Vyvanse vs lexapro

So I was on vyvanse for a bit months ago and took it for 2 weeks then found it was making me too hyper at my desk job at work. So I stopped. Today my doc prescribed me lexapro to try instead more so to manage my anxiety and minor depression. But of course I went into the deep dark tunnel of TikTok and now I’m terrified of the side effects such as weight gain, something I can’t afford as I’m already over weight. I haven’t started the lexapro yet and will wait a bit as I’ve decided to give my vyvanse another go. I know they can’t be taken together so don’t worry I would never make that mistake. But at the moment I am 2 hours into my vyvanse and I feel absolutely amazing. I can think clearly, I’m cleaning my house without feeling sluggish and I’m not dreading my kids coming home from daycare. Maybe it’s just cuz it’s the first day trying it again but I dunno. Should I ask my doc to treat my adhd instead of my anxiety and depression. Will treating adhd get rid of those 2 things or vice versa? I’m not looking for medical advice, just advice from real life experience from real people. Thank you in advance.