Should I dye my hair?

I have dark brown hair and I have a lot of grey hair coming in. It has been for years but it’s now all over the top it almost looks like I have highlights. I don’t love it but I don’t hate it either so I haven’t dyed it because I don’t want to worry about keeping up with the roots. But lately I’ve been really over it and how my hair is just patchy and inconsistent. So I decided I’m gonna dye it and made an appointment. My husband just said that he likes it the way it is. I thought he was just being nice but he’s like no I genuinely like it this way but whatever you want to do you should do. Now I feel kind of unsure because I was gonna dye it because I feel like I feel more confident when my hair is a little richer color and all one color instead of all patchy but I still don’t love the idea of the upkeep and now hearing my husband saying he likes it this way I’m like ugh I don’t know what to do