Future Gender fear?


We are pregnant with baby #2. This will be our last (I’ll be 36 next month, getting old over here and assuming I won’t be able to have a third lol).

I have a two year old little boy who is my world! We wanted a baby girl one day but recently found out our second is a boy. I’m happy our family will be “complete” and I will have two sons that I hope become best friends for life. I am sad that I have “lost” the chance to ever have my little girl but that will pass in time.

My fears. I’ve always heard, when boys are adults, they are closer with their wife’s side of the family than their own. I also experience it. I am super close to my family, they live nearby, are involved in our sons life etc. My husband is not very close with his. His dad was an alcoholic and abusive to him growing up, he’s never met our son because of it. His mom talks to him occasionally but doesn’t show much interest in our son. Because of the family dysfunction with his dad (who has pushed away all family, including extended), they never get together for holidays etc. it’s sad. His mom even acts scared of our son. Our son is awesome and funny, but occasionally he throws a fit, he’s a toddler…..she stays away from him because she doesn’t want to “upset” him. So he doesn’t know her either. She lives out of state and when she visits she acts like he’s always going to be upset it she comes nearby, and constantly makes comments on his behavior. It’s so odd, my son is not bad at all. He’s funny and playful and occasionally throws a fit, what toddler doesn’t?

I don’t know, I guess my point is I’m scared that, being the mother of the son, my kids will grow up and not be as close to me because of it. Anyone else heard of this or experience it?