Normal or should I call Dr?

Jolanda • Mommy of Olivia 👧 and 🤰with baby #2

So I'm 36+5 today with baby boy. All through my pregnancy my blood pressure has been low/normal (I usually have very low blood pressure in general). The past few months have been very stressful for my husband and I, our relationship isn't going great and we'll basically Monday and yesterday I was super emotional about it all and spent majority of both days just in bed, crying. Haven't slept great since the weekend.

So last night I start getting a headache just after dinner, take a paracetamol and go to bed. I wake up at about 3am with the biggest migraine I've had in years!!!! I haven't had headaches in my pregnancy so far. I was on the verge of vomiting from the pain.. I tried acupressure for over an hour, drank water, and did a cold compress which eleviated the pain enough for me to fall asleep.

Today, I am still very much aware of the pain, but luckily not as bad. I'm trying to sleep, but just cannot fall asleep...

Is it possible that the migraine is from the crying and all that or could it be something more serious?