Experiences? HCG Slow rising

First beta : 8/29 (day of missed period) HCG 18

Second: 8/31. HCG 22

Third: 9/2 HCG 28

Fourth: 9/6 HCG 60

Fifth: 9/7 HCG 89

My dr says my doubling rates are going up slowly but she’s still concerned for ectopic, scan on Monday to tell for sure but I really really hope this was just a slow start. If it’s ectopic it’ll be my 3rd ectopic in a matter of 2 years. I know to not hope too much with the numbers I’m sure I would be well Over 500 with a healthy pregnancy at this point.

I’m so anxious idk what to do! I just keep testing because I know a line is all I’ll ever get to prove this was real.

Any stories or experiences with slow rising HCG in the beginning weeks? Dr says I may be a week earlier I thought (4 instead of 5) since I wasn’t <a href="https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.glow.android">tracking ovulation</a>. I just want a healthy babe. Just one that’s all we ask for, why is pregnancy so hard?