Should I be okay and get my peirod ?

I had PROTECTED sex .. 3 times September

3 and 3 times September 4th. It was around

my ovulation time (just going by the chart)

but I really think I ovulated ealrier then

expected just by my discharge. But the

2nd time I did it on September 3 the

condom got stuck inside me all the way

and I had to pull it out. NO he did not

ejaculate at all that time, I'm just worried

about the pre cum. But besides that all the

other times the condom was on from finish

to start, no tears or leaks. Should I be

Okay?? My period is supposed to start 6 days , the symptoms I have right now are sore breast,cramps, acne, bloating , emotional very moody; etc.

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