Menstruating with the Full Moon (red moon cycle)


What does a Red Moon Cycle mean?

The red moon cycle is linked to the full moon. If you bleed during the full moon, ovulating during the new moon.

In ancient times these women were the priestesses, the healers, the witches, and the medicine women. You should focused on channeling your creative energy inward.

Women with a red moon cycle have a deep desire for self-actualization, self-growth, creativity, business, mentorship, and development. Everything you learn and experience helps empower you from within, enabling you to empower the women around you.

You may be mothers and raising children. But are focused on and passionate about being in sacred circle with your community and teaching and leading others.

The red moon cycle is also said to offer a deep connection to a woman’s sexual energy. Powerfully potent energy that the Patriarchy has tried (and continues) to disconnect us from.

A woman on a red moon cycle is a woman of great power. So it was these women who were labeled witches; and punished, vilified, and ostracised from society.

Because Of the power that we can harnest from within!

Happy bleeding beautiful woman!