First time induction

Chloe • 19 ✨| Mamma of 2 little ones ❤️

Got told on Thursday I was getting induced the following week, went and got a non stress test the same day and got sent home after since my blood pressure was fine.

Had contractions on Sunday but it wasn’t active labor (was just early labor signs) and waited until Monday when I saw my OB appointment to let him know. I find out after being anxious to find out the date, that I had to wait til the hospital calls to find out my induced date, thinking this whole time I would find out by him since obviously the waiting was killing me. I go home and an hour later get a call telling me today was the only availability. Was a little anxious since I barely slept the night before and wasn’t prepared mentally to have it the day of but I packed my bags and went up. Got my oxytocin, thinking I’d be in pain but felt fine the whole time. They broke my water at 3-4ish cm, and then put the epidural in. After 6 hours I got to 9-10ish cm and was ready to have her. Had to wait for the doctor to come up, which was the worst pain I’ve ever experienced having to wait even 5 minutes when I could feel her coming. The epidural sadly only worked in both my legs but not where I actually wanted it to fully work but after pushing 5-10 minutes, she was out. I guess pain was a motivation to get her out quicker so I wouldn’t have to handle it since I’m awful with dealing with any sort of pain. My OB was concerned that my baby would be small and that my uterus wasn’t growing. But she came out 6 lbs 15 oz, 19 1/2 cm long. My son was 9 lbs 3 oz, 21 cm long so I was kinda happy having a smaller baby but all that matter was; that she was healthy and there wasn’t anything wrong with her. Other than her being gaggy and puking up the formula.

My son was bald at birth, so excited that she got hair ☺️ since then I can do cute little hairstyles once it grows out.