Ruptured blood vessel in eye with no idea how it happened? Cause for concern?

Visceral Mercenary • May you find your worth in the waking world.

Haven't been to the eye doctor yet but 99% sure that's what this is because I had one as a child after my sister accidentally hit me in the eye. Don't think it was there when I brushed my teeth right before bed but woke up with it. Guessing I just accidentally hit myself in the eye in my sleep (I did have to get up 4 times with my youngest child and it could have happened then). Forgot to call my midwife because I noticed it hours before they were open and they are closed now. I know you can be more prone to nosebleeds and bleeding gums while pregnant so maybe this is a similar issue. Fourth pregnancy and have experienced nosebleeds or bleeding gums once or twice but never this. Has this happened to anyone else during pregnancy?