

My LO just turned 11 weeks today, for the past 6 days, he is been EXTREMELY FUSSY during the day, barely naps for 15-30 mins, the biggest challenge is that he refuses the bottle now ( i Am exclusively bottle feeding) he would take 20-30 ml and then he wouldn’t take it anymore, he would start moving his head side to side. He keeps crying cz he is hungry but still he refuses the bottle, i keep gently trying to place the nipple in his mouth, he would suck it for seconds then push it out while crying or he would chew on it or make clicking sounds with his tongue, we tried different brand, faster flow nipple/ husband giving him the bottle… all didn’t work! Is this reflux? Did any of u guys experience this with ur LOs? Im so desperate and frustrated!!

His PED diagnosed him with Reflux at 6weeks, but he never had issues with bottle feeding! I called her today and explained the whole thing, she said its probably the reflux! Why now? He never had issues feeding from the bottle.