Induction, can't eat before?



I'm getting induced on Monday the 26th attempting a VBAC, and today my OB told me I can't eat anything after midnight the day before. In case they need to do a c-section.

I ate a meal before being induced with my son (ended in emergency c section), but can't imagine going that long without food and laboring.

Anyone else been through similar? I remember with my son I labored from 8 am to 4 am the next day, and was starving. That was with me having a big breakfast on the way to the hospital.

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Posted at
I would really push back on that. Restricting eating and drinking in labor isn't evidence based. Your uterus is a muscle, muscles need energy to work properly


Posted at
It was casually mentioned at the end like no big deal. I'm seeing my specialist tomorrow so I'm going to ask them about it. Seems crazy to give someone whose about to run a marathon water and ice chips. 😬


Au • Sep 20, 2022
Yes it is insane. Definitely advocate for yourself!


Posted at
When I went in for my VBAC, they let me eat/drink until I got the epidural. I went into labor naturally, but needed augmentation with Pitocin when the epidural stopped my contractions. We always knew C-section was a theoretical possibility.


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I went about 45 hours with no food when I had my son I woke up and went to my morning appointment without breakfast cuz I was planning on take out after but due to preeclampsia I was sent to the hospital to be induced spent 13 hours in labor and then had a emergency c section and was on no foods restriction for the first 24 hours after recovery. They don't want you to eat in case it does result in a c section and if you have to vomit during. it's not easy to do since you can't exactly just sit up to do it and trust me lying down flat and puking is not easy even if it doesn't have any solids in it.


Posted at
I was induced and told I could eat they so told me I could eat while they were inducing me they figured I'd be in labor until the next day I didn't eat because I was afraid I'd puke like I did with my oldest during labor