HELP!!! Am I pregnant?


My period is 9 days late.

I took EC in May because my boyfriend MIGHT have fingered me with precum, and I got all my periods until August.

On September 3rd, my boyfriend and I dry humped. I kept my jeans on and he kept his boxers on. We were both wet, but he never came inside of his boxers. So, I know the possibility of pregnancy is low. Could sperm have passed through his boxers, my jeans, and underwear into my vagina?

I was supposed to ovulate on August 27th, but I did not get any clear watery discharge like normal. Instead, I got clear watery discharge from September 3-7, almost a week after my supposed fertile week . Could I have ovulated later around cycle day 30? I was also stressed about school during this time, and my sleep schedule may have changed.

I took a pregnancy test when I was three days late and it came back negative. I also took another pregnancy test a day ago and it was negative, but it looked like a faint line after. It was a blue dye test. I am super stressed about the possibility of being pregnant from either the time in May or now. Could EC not have worked in May? Could I be pregnant from the dry humping this August?

If ovulation is delayed a week, will it make my period late too?

Can someone please help provide some insight! Thanks so much…